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Conscious Elders Network Gathering Workshop!

Conscious elders often yearn to "give back to community," and for many this call inspires a search for meaningful and often sacred service opportunities. While experimentation is helpful to discover what where we fit best, conscious elders can also benefit from exploring five Discernment Factors:
• The True Self
• The Ego-Soul Relationship
• The Introversion-Extroversion Continuum
•  Read More 
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The Awakened Consciousness

What happens when we experience the world directly, without the conceptual overlay of thoughts, names, interpretations, explanations, intentions, beliefs, values, clocks, purposes and goals - yours and others? What happens when there is no map, no place to go, no one to be, and nothing to fix or accomplish? What happens when things are  Read More 
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The Spiritual Practice of Aging

In the spiritual practice of aging, we are gradually and steadily transformed into love. It is a long slow process of melting the False Self - the idea of me - into a fathomless inner sea of divine love, like sliding into the bubbling waters of a hot tub, like a candle melting in  Read More 
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Aging's Ultimate Gift

My lifelong call, and one that's taken me decades to understand and appreciate, is simply to dissolve in the intense, immense, sentient reality of now and know that I am that, a step that is nothing short of being bathed in divine love and living from its radiant conscious oneness. I sense it. I  Read More 
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Transcending Even Good Intentions

Perhaps the most surprising realization in the exploration of consciousness is this: Any goal-oriented belief or activity constitutes an operation of the False Self no matter how elevated or altruistic it may feel or appear. Why? To have an intention or plan maintains the separate world of thought that creates the problem in the  Read More 
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Dissolving Duality

Learning to stay focused in a consciousness without thought dissolves the mind's dualism - the labyrinth of thought that creates a second world of identity, time and story. It also opens our experience of divine being, for in feeling the being of our being, we merge with Divinity. (As Eckhart said, "God is the  Read More 
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It All Begins in a Consciousness Without Thought

Whatever questions or concerns have been bothering, troubling or upsetting me disappear in consciousness without thought. Everything changes. The questions go away, the worries vanish, and a totally different world appears. Leaving the world of mind for the sensory world of pure awareness dissolves the self idea and its related goals, fears, purposes, and  Read More 
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The Simplicity of Transformation

When we cease thinking and focus solely on consciousness, identity dissolves, boundaries disappear, and what's left is Divine Consciousness. There is only one consciousness though we separate ourselves from it with partitions of thought creating the illusion of separation or mortality. To be conscious of consciousness itself, therefore, is to experience God directly. But  Read More 
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Love at 70

Sharing a little speech I gave recently at my 70th birthday party:

Thank you all for being here. You are my really good friends and I am so grateful for your presence in my life. Your being here with me today makes me really happy. My kids, grandkids and extended family already sent wonderful  Read More 
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Love and Death

I've become ever more fascinated with death, not in a morbid way, but as the ultimate expression of a pattern we live over and over - of ego, change, loss, surrender, release and rebirth. Joining Conscious Aging, Conscious Dying, a working group in Conscious Elders Network, has inspired me dig ever deeper into this  Read More 
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