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The Qualities of Being

Reflecting on the state of consciousness that expands when we quiet the "I" thought and all its fantasies, and how that openness feels, I quickly listed the follow qualities: It's a consciousness that's…
• Unhurried, unrushed, unscheduled, spontaneous and relaxed.
• Friendly, easy going, contented, patient, kind, trusting.
• Always full even when "nothing" is going on,  Read More 
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Don't Settle

How can we get older folks to consider the mystical spirituality of aging? Are Boomers simply hooked on defeating aging, or getting through to the end, or are they simply unaware of this other possibility? I wish I knew the answer. I am convinced that the transformation of self and consciousness offers another path  Read More 
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The Illusion of Separation Is A Product of Mind

We are God. It's only our refusal to know, feel and experience this pure, divine consciousness that keeps us locked the prison of personality and belief. At its center, the personality is hollow yet full of divine loving consciousness. Though surrounded by endlessly orbiting beliefs, self-ideas, impulses, plans and expectations, in the still silence  Read More 
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Aging as a Journey into the Divine

Conscious aging is a journey into God in this lifetime. As the journey moves ever deeper into the divine, we become divine and the world becomes God. Then the transition of death is hardly a transition at all. In this process, our feelings and motives become more loving, altruistic, and joyous, and our "work"  Read More 
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The Ego

Where does the ego fit in this continuing evolution of consciousness? Here's my answer. We don't want to dissolve or transcend the ego. The ego is that part of the personality capable of directing and focusing attention. When it disappears, we have to way to guide our transformation. After that, things just happen and  Read More 
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The Way Forward

Intentionally do nothing but dwell in thought-free consciousness - intensely aware of yourself, your body, your divine being, your life just as it is. Here, in this consciousness, you know exactly how to love the world. In this consciousness you give more of yourself and see into the divine fabric of Being. Go slow,  Read More 
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Why I Write

After seven books and a novel, after following a trail of mystical footprints for twenty-five years, I have come to an understanding of aging that is unique, revolutionary and real. From direct experience I have learned that aging opens a passage from human to divine in this lifetime. Handled skillfully, it can take us  Read More 
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Ambition versus Transcendence: The Challenge of Aging

After submitting a presenter's application form for a spirituality and aging conference, and sending my novel manuscript off for reader review, I dreamed I was stuck in total gridlock traffic at an intersection; every time the light changed and I tried to turn right across multiple lanes of traffic, I would be stuck. Later  Read More 
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Mindfulness, Transformation and Incarnation

The practice of Mindfulness reveals our thought patterns and their consequences, and it can awaken and sharpen our consciousness, but did you know that it is also the threshold of the human-divine transformation? In pure consciousness I am the divine being and the world is me. And that leads to an important realization about  Read More 
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Experienced Silence is the Laboratory of Divine Transformation

Silence has long been understood to be the entrance into divine consciousness. When we intentionally experience the fathomless mystery of consciousness behind thought, we discover that it is alive, aware, and transforming. Experiencing this divine consciousness invites it into our body, into our interior, where it bathes every cell with conscious being. This is  Read More 
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