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For Adam

I lost my son in a car accident the night of my birthday four years ago. I constantly wonder how he's doing and what's he's up to "on the other side." I miss him so much. I write this blog for him.

Adam, I am getting old now. But you will never have a  Read More 
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The Challenge of Sharing My Journey

I recently had another one of those birthdays that mark that slow march through the "senior" years. This one didn't make much of an impact; it came and went. What did come to mind, however, was the legacy of my work. What have I accomplished in my books and articles? The answer, of course,  Read More 
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Reflecting on Aging

What at amazing perspective I have been given to understand my own aging. Here I sit reflecting on the incredible journey of age. I see it first as a psychological transformation, a progressive evolution of everything I have been and, as my own therapist, I examine the thoughts and feelings that accompany this transition.  Read More 
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"Please Pick My Apples!"

A surprising and wonderful image came to me today during my monthly spiritual direction session. I saw myself as a sun-drenched apple tree bursting with apples: ripe, red, delicious, juicy apples weighing down every branch. And I understood that this image expressed the fruition of my work.

In the past four years, I have  Read More 
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A Goose in a Bottle?

I recently heard a wonderful Zen koan about a disciple named Riko who asks his master Nansen for help getting his goose out of a bottle without killing it or breaking the glass. Apparently the disciple had put the baby gosling in the bottle in the first place, fed it, and now was now  Read More 
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This Fertile Time of Aging

As I connect with more and more older people across the internet - bright, fascinating, creative people reinventing the idea and experience of aging, I grow evermore amazed. There is so much creativity going on these days! Symposia, websites, blogs, conferences, books, organizations - my head spins in this new and exciting landscape. But  Read More 
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Aging and the Loss of Ambition

In the second stage of aging, middle old age, we often begin to lose the ambition and goal orientation that focused and drove so much of life. Ego - the "I" that runs the show (or at least tries to run the show), begins to lose its power, like an engine running out of  Read More 

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The Three Secrets of Aging Revealed

The first wave of 76 million “Baby Boomers,” representing 28 percent of the American population, turned 65 in 2011 and they will live longer than any previous generation in history – at least 15 years more than their parents! – creating an entirely new stage of life. But what is this revolutionary longevity for? Just to get old and die? As  Read More 
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Finding a New Calling in Aging

Like every living organism, the psyche expands and differentiates as it is structured and meant to do. Spontaneous personality growth happens at every age following a natural cycle through the seasons of life. There are fertile and fallow times, times to sew and times to reap, and special kinds of growth in each season.  Read More 
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The Natural Decline of Ego in Aging

The ego - the "I" of the personality - is the part that wants to control and direct the show, make things turn out it own way, and be prized as special and love-worthy. It also takes responsibility for our survival and has a terrific fear of failure and death that actually supported our  Read More 
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